As we receive questions from players we will answer them here. If you have a question about Mad Science The Card Game, please contact us.
1. Who goes first?
2. Can I draw from the discard pile (Heap)?
3. I finished my creature before the other players, do I start Phase 2 right away?
4. My creature isn’t ready yet but Phase 2 has started for another player, do I keep building or go into Phase 2?
1. I completed my creature first and everyone else is still building so I’m fighting the Horrible Experiment myself. Is that fair?
2. I compared my roll to the middle column and there is a red arrow pointing to Lose 1 Life in the right (Player) column. Do I lose 1 Life?
3. My second roll was a 4 in the Player column and I got Weapon Drop. What do I do?
4. What does Double Hit mean?
5. I rolled a 3 and the box says Roll 3 Twice. Huh?
6. I’m at 0 Life and the Horrible Experiment isn’t dead yet. Am I out of the game?
7. I killed the Horrible Experiment. Do I wait until my next turn to start Phase 3 or do I go first?
8. Believe it or not, the other Players killed the Horrible Experiment before I finished building my creature in Phase 1. Now what?
1. We have 5 players and the Final Conflict card only shows columns for 3 Players. What’s up with that?
2. I was in the middle of a Phase 2 Part Drop when another Player killed the Horrible Experiment. Can I get me part back on my next turn?
3. I am Player 1, I targeted Player 3 and then rolled Head Lost in the Player 1 column. What happens?
4. I rolled a Part Lost on an even number, can I get it back next turn with an even roll like in Phase 2?
5. I rolled 4 on a Final Conflict Roll 4 Twice and then rolled 4 again. What happens?
6. I have lost my Weapon but I successfully completed a Roll # Twice roll. What happens?
7. I ran out of Life, is the game over?
8. I rolled Double Strike but I am already at 0 Life.
9. Can we gang up on the guy with 0 Life?
10. My opponent’s creature has more than one Part with the same number in the little square. What do I do when I roll that number?
11. I was knocked down to 0 Life in Phase 2 and was in the process of losing my turn before getting a 1 Life regeneration when another Player killed the Horrible Experiment. What happens to me?
1. Who goes first?
All Players roll a six-sided die. Lowest number goes first. Play continues clockwise around the table. Or use your favorite method to determine player order. This is one of the few points on which Mad Scientists are a little flexible.
2. Can I draw from the discard pile (Heap)?
On your turn, after playing a card (if you can), you may either draw the top card from the Pile of Parts or the top visible card on the Heap.
3. I finished my creature before the other players, do I start Phase 2 right away?
When your creature is complete, calculate your Life by adding the number in the purple circle on your Body to the numbers in the red circles with a plus (+) sign on certain Parts. Give your creature a name and write it down with your Life total. Then let play continue around the table. You will begin Phase 2 Battle on your next turn.
4. My creature isn’t ready yet but Phase 2 has started for another player, do I keep building or go into Phase 2?
Keep building on your turn. You will catch up. And if you’re lucky, the Horrible Experiment will already be damaged by the time you enter the fray.
1. I completed my creature first and everyone else is still building so I’m fighting the Horrible Experiment myself. Is that fair?
Stop whining, nobody said Mad Science was fair. And anyway, you got the plus 3 Life bonus for being first into the fray. Did you forget that already?
2. I compared my roll to the middle column and there is a red arrow pointing to Lose 1 Life in the right (Player) column. Do I lose 1 Life?
You should probably read the instructions again. If your middle column roll directs you to one of the side columns ith a red or purple arrow, you must then roll again. The red and purple arrows point at the red (Player) and purple (Horrible Experiment) columns. The next roll determines what happens.
For example, if your first roll is a box with a purple arrow, you must roll again, now against the Experiment column. If you roll a 3, scroll down the Experiment column and follow the instructions in the corresponding 3 oval.
3. My second roll was a 4 in the Player column and I got Weapon Drop. What do I do?
Turn over your Weapon. On your next turn you must roll an even number because the Weapon Drop roll was a 4 (an even number). If the Part drop instruction is on an odd number, you would be trying to roll any odd number. But in this example, if you roll an even number (2,4 or 6), you get your Weapon back and continue play. Roll again against the middle column and get on with it. If, however, you roll an odd number, you Lose 1 Life. The Weapon remains turned over. On your next turn you get it back automatically and start rolling again.
4. What does Double Hit mean?
Both the Player rolling and the Horrible Experiment Lose 1 Life.
5. I rolled a 3 and the box says Roll 3 Twice. Huh?
This is a Roll # Twice instruction. Roll the die again. If you roll another 3, you have successfully triggered your Special Move. This is a number on the lower right of your Weapon card. It is in red following the word SPECIAL and indicates how much Life you subtract from the Horrible Experiment. Well done!
6. I’m at 0 Life and the Horrible Experiment isn’t dead yet. Am I out of the game?
Not yet. You lose your next turn while your creature rests and regenerates. On your following turn you gain 1 Life point and may continue Combat.
7. I killed the Horrible Experiment. Do I wait until my next turn to start Phase 3 or do I go first?
The Player that kills the Horrible Experiment immediately reveals the Final Conflict card and immediately rolls as Player 1.
8. Believe it or not, the other Players killed the Horrible Experiment before I finished building my creature in Phase 1. Now what?
While unlikely, this could happen. If it does, everyone enters Phase 3 together. Any missing Parts are handled the same as Phase 3 Lost Parts. The Life number in the purple circle on your Body is your Life value for Phase 3 Combat. You do not add red circle plus (+) values.
1. We have 5 players and the Final Conflict card only shows columns for 3 Players. What’s up with that?
Player 4 should roll against the Player 1 column, Player 5 against the Player 2 column and Player 6 against the Player 3 column.
2. I was in the middle of a Phase 2 Part Drop when another Player killed the Horrible Experiment. Can I get my part back on my next turn during Phase 3?
Sorry, no. If you are missing any Parts going into Phase 3, they are gone for good.
3. I am Player 1, I targeted Player 3 and then rolled Head Lost in the Player 1 column. What happens?
Player 3 takes the blow and his creature loses its Head. It is gone for good.
4. My opponent targeted me and rolled a Part Lost on an even number, can I get it back next turn with an even roll like in Phase 2?
No. Any Part lost during Phase 3 is gone for good. There is no regeneration.
5. I rolled 4 on a Final Conflict Roll 4 Twice and then rolled 4 again. What happens?
You activated your Special Move. Your opponent takes the damage listed in red next to the word SPECIAL on the lower right part of your Weapon. If you have already lost your Weapon, no Special Move is activated and only 1 Life damage is dealt to your opponent.
6. I have lost my Weapon but I successfully completed a Roll # Twice roll. What happens?
You can no longer activate your Special Move. You deal only 1 Life damage to your opponent.
7. I ran out of Life, is the game over?
No way, buddy. Now your opponents will start knocking off your Parts. Each Part has a number in a square at the top of the lower right side data. If your opponent rolls the number on one of your Parts, it is removed from the creature and should be turned over. If more than one of the Parts has the same number, your opponent selects which Part to remove. Only one Part is removed per turn. If an Adaptor attaches a Part to the Body, it is removed with the Part.
8. I rolled Double Strike but I am already at 0 Life.
If you are at 0 Life, your opponent takes both hits.
9. Can we gang up on the guy with 0 Life?
No. On your turn, you must target opponents with more than 0 Life before knocking Parts off others. Obviously this is not an issue in 2 Player games.
10. My opponent’s creature has more than one Part with the same number in the little square. What do I do when I roll that number?
As the rolling Player you get to choose which Part is removed. Only one Part is removed per turn.
11. I was knocked down to 0 Life in Phase 2 and was in the process of losing my turn before getting a 1 Life regeneration when another Player killed the Horrible Experiment. What happens to me?
You enter Phase 3 with 0 Life. In a 2 Player game, your Opponent will immediately start trying to knock Parts off your creature. If there are 3 or more Players, they must knock each other down to 0 Life before they can start knocking off your Parts. While that goes on, you can attack the other Players as usual under the rules of Phase 3. Aren’t you a stinker!