Mad Science The Card Game was designed and developed by Drew Bancroft. Drew
is a husband and father of three. He is a musician, writer, and designer. And most recently he has become a game developer. He’s been hand making cards and play testing a wide variety of game concepts with family and friends for months. Mad Science The Card Game is the result.
Drew lives in New York, about halfway between Manhattan and Albany. He loves comics, music, and audiobooks. He plays lots of games with his kids, and sometimes writes stories for their bedtime reading. He spends a good deal of time chopping wood for his wood stove. With his children, he created Skateboard Heroes.
When he grows up, Drew wants to be a rock star.
Game Concept & Design: Drew Bancroft
Additional Artwork: Noah and Jacob Bancroft
Mad Science The Card Game is ©2012 Pope Street Games. All rights reserved.