Just about Half!
We’re one pledge away from being at the 50% mark with our kickstarter project in less than a week. You know we’re super-psyched. We don’t want to appear overconfident or cocky, but we thought it might be a good time to offer up some Mad Science the Card Game Tutorials. While we’ve labored over the single-sheet (double-sided) instructions for the game, we thought some video tutorials might help our future players more easily visualize the game.
As we’ve demonstrated the game for friends and family and, well, anyone willing to listen, we’ve seen that playing the game through once, all three phases, is usually enough to get it down. But we aren’t working off the rules sheet, we’re teaching with experience. Maybe these videos will help speed the process. And as a special added bonus, our gracefully aging cat Maggie makes a few unplanned appearances in the background. Dig the Where’s Waldo vibe!
We’re not talking Spielberg productions values here, but we think you’ll get the point. We’ve got two videos right now – Set up and Phase 1: Build. Phases 2 and 3 are currently in production and should be available in the next week or so.
Thanks everyone. You can check the videos out on YouTube:
Tutorial 1: Setting Up the Game – Click here to watch on YouTube
Tutorial 2: Build (Phase 1 of play) – Click here to watch on YouTube